We take this opportunity to invite you to the biggest Data Science Conference in Southeast Asia, which is the International Conference on Data Management, Analytics & Innovation (ICDMAI-2026). ICDMAI was organized in the consecutive years of 2017-2025 in the IT city of Pune, India,Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia , Delhi, India. ICDMAI2021 & 2022 was in Virtual mode , Pune and vellore,Kolkata. Next is scheduled from 16-18 January 2026 at Kolkata,India. This conference is a flagship event of Society for Data Science (S4DS), which is a non-profit professional association to create a collaborative platform for bringing together technical experts across Industry, Academia, Government Labs and Professional Bodies to promote Innovation around Data Science.
Contributors are requested to follow the guidelines given below:
Note: Papers less than 10 Pages will be considers as Short Papers