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Prof.(Dr.)Amlan Chakrabarti


Prof.(Dr.)Amlan Chakrabarti is serving as Director and Professor of A.K. Choudhury School of Information Technology, Kolkata, India. He was a Post-Doctoral fellow at the Princeton University, USA during 2011-2012. He has almost 20 years of experience in Engineering Education and Research. He is the recipient of prestigious DST BOYSCAST fellowship award in Engg. Science (2011), JSPS Invitation Research Award (2016), Erasmus Mundus Leaders Award from EU (2017), Hamied Visiting Professorship from University of Cambridge (2018). He is an Associate Ed. of Elsevier Journal of Computers and Electrical Engg. and Guest Ed. of Springer nature Journal in Applied Sciences. He is a Senior. Member of IEEE and ACM, IEEE Comp. Society Distinguished Visitor, Distinguished Speaker of ACM, Secretary of IEEE CEDA India Chapter and Vice President of Data Science Society. His research interests are Machine Learning, Computer Vision, and Quantum Computing. He serves as an editor and hold distinguished positions in IEEE and ACM.

Dr. Pradeep Kumar Sinha

Dr. Pradeep Kumar Sinha is the founding Vice Chancellor & Director of International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Naya Raipur. Earlier he was with the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), where he had led National Programs in areas of Supercomputing, Grid Computing, and Health Informatics. Prior to joining C-DAC, Dr. Sinha was in Japan for ten years, working on cutting edge computing technologies.

Dr. Sinha is well known for his contributions to the advancement of Science & Technology and Technical Education. His contributions include Technical institutes, Supercomputing systems and facilities, Healthcare products and solutions, International patents, a number of technical papers, and six books in the area of Computer Science & Engineering.  Books authored by him are cited as textbooks globally. On public demand, his books have been translated in local languages like Japanese and Hindi.

Dr. Sinha is a Life Fellow of IEEE, Fellow of Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA), Fellow of Computer Society of India (CSI), and ACM Distinguished Engineer. He is also the recipient of several other awards and recognitions, including the “2011 VASVIK Research Award” and the “2013 Intel Pathfinder Award”. The Society of Data Science has also conferred upon him the Lifetime Achievement Award for his contributions to the area of Information Technology and Data Science.

Since 2015, Dr. Sinha has been deeply involved in building IIIT-Naya Raipur as a premier academic institute of the country. He has also served on the Governing Board of several technical institutes.



Dr. Amol C. Goje


Dr. Amol C. Goje is a President of Society of Data Science and  Currently working as a system, process and technology consultant for Banking and Retail Industry since 5 years Prior to that he served as a Director, Vidya Pratishthan’s Institute of Information Technology (VIIT), Baramati, Pune for 20 Years. He has a total of over Thirty Five years of experience in the field of Information and Computer Technology (ICT). He has developed many systems for the University. Dr. Amol’s main area of interest is to work for underprivileged people in the rural part of India. He has designed and implemented numerous path-breaking, innovative and cost effective solutions. Some solutions to name a few are – number of computer labs, which are economically sustainable to the rural schools and colleges. Dr. Amols’s main innovation is Computer Mobile Van. He has done lot of research work in Information Technology and its application for rural community. In appreciation to his exemplary work, Dr. Amol has received the Ashoka Fellow award in the year 2002. He is engaged as a Technical advisor on many government and non-government organizations. In his tenure as the Director at VIIT, he has organized 8 international conferences in Baramati under the aegis of Baramati Initiatives and as a President of S4DS this is his eighth International conference. Dr. Goje has received the Marathwada Bhushan Award for spreading the IT education to the masses. He is the member of the Working group on Agricultural Extension Constituted by Planning Commission government of India. He is key player in setting up the Community Training and Learning Centers (CTLC) in Maharashtra. In this project, VIIT is providing Computer Training to the women from the Self Help groups (SHG). Dr. Goje has received the Manthan (AIF) award successively for two years in Year 2005 and 2006.Governemt of Maharashtra “Maharashtra IT award (IT HRD) in 2008. He is also the President of Community Radio Association (CRA) of India. Recently he has been bestowed with the honor of ‘Best Director’ of Pune University -2016-17.

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